Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sue and the Bamboo - A limerick

Thanks to all our fans for the great response to our haiku "Snunkie and the Bamboo" (see far below)! In response to your "requests," here's another one...

Sue and the Bamboo - a limerick

There once was a ladybug named Sue,
Who lived on the H-Family bamboo.
She was trapped on a stalk,
And wrote "I'M BORED" in chalk,
And each day her boredom, it grew.

She sat there day after day.
And each time she tried to fly away,
One of the crew,
Would find where she flew,
And return her to that damn bamboo.

She sat there on that plant of death,
Feeling her life fade with each breath.
Her wings would soon fail,
She felt like she was in jail!
Soon she'll be dead in the gravel with the snail.

The End.

Dr. Doomy-Doom strikes again!

Last spring, Sirk was cleaning windows and put her finger through the sill and drywall of one of the bedroom windows. After conducting a thorough investigation and ruling out Sirk's super-human strength, we determined that we had been victims of Dr. Doomy-Doom's dasterdly window rotting machine. So, Mr. Fix-It (aka Trebron) set to the task of replacing all 18 windows in the house. He decided to start with the most rotten window - which was also the highest. 

He was well-prepared on the day he began his new adventure. He had conducted copious research, purchased the windows, watched numerous online instructional videos, and gathered, purchased, and rented all the necessary tools. Unfortunately, there was one situation he could not possibly have prepared himself for - the evil, corruptive nature of Dr. Doomy-Doom himself! 

On that day, Trebron was up on the scaffolding working away when Dr. Doomy-Doom launched his Stinker-Pigger 1000 at him. It zoomed past, dangerouly close to the scaffolding nearly sending Trebron plunging to his death (or at least to a nasty headache). In its wake, the Stinker-Pigger 1000 left a noxious cloud of stink-gas that surrounded the entire 2nd floor of the house. The gas must have been chemically-constructed to cling to the house as the smell did not dissipate - thus preventing Trebron from continuing the job.

A big thanks to Nosilla and Mij for their dramatic recreation of the event as we unfortunately were not able to capture it on film.

After several frustrating days of trying to work around the stink, we decided to hire someone to finish replacing the windows on the 2nd floor. The smell wasn't too bad at ground level, so Trebron decided he could do the 1st floor himself.

So, we set to the task of hiring a window installer who had no sense of smell. This proved to be more difficult that we anticipated due to the restrictions imposed by the American with Disabilities Act which prevented us from asking anyone directly about his disabilities. Then, one day a window installer named Mot showed up at the house wearing so much cologne our eyes were watering and we were struggling to breath. After he left and we had recovered enough to speak, we said, "He's our MAN!"

In the end, all's well that ends well. Within a few months, our new windows were installed without further incident. With the tragedy now behind us, we look back on the event with fond memories. They say you tend not to remember intense pain and this also seem true of bad smells.